Monday, June 16, 2014

Minimum Wage and Labor statistics throughout the United States

The following charts all show data on minimum wages and workers who receive minimum wages throughout the United States. The information was found at and 

This first chart is a bar chart that shows how many states have a specific minimum wage. The federal minimum wage for the current year is $7.25 an hour. This chart reflects data as of January 31st, 2011 and is measured in current dollars. The data adds up to more than 50 because Washington D.C. is also included as well as states with two minimum wages, which were put in their two categories respectively. Minnesota has a law where large employers (with annual receipts of $625,000 or more) have a required minimum wage of $6.15 per hour and small employers (with annual receipts of less than $625,000) have a required minimum wage of $5.25 per hour. Nevada also has two minimum wages because it has a law that states: with no health insurance benefits provided by the employer the required minimum wage is $8.25 and with health insurance provided by the employer and received by the employee the required minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.   

 This second chart is a pie chart that shows workers who are paid hourly rates at or below the federal minimum wage. The percentages are based on specific characteristics of the worker. The data is from 2010 and was based on the current U.S. population survey at that time.  

This final chart is a line chart and shows the federal minimum wage rates per hour between the years of 1940 and 2011. This chart reflects data as of January 31st, 2011 and is measured in current dollars.

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